Utility and Distribution:

$ANON tokens serve as a fundamental component of the Anon VPN ecosystem, offering a wide range of utilities to users and contributors:

  1. Subscription Payments:

    • Users can utilize $ANON tokens to pay for Anon VPN subscription fees, unlocking access to premium features and services within the platform.

  2. Affiliate Participation:

    • Holders of $ANON tokens may participate in affiliate programs, earning rewards for referring new users to the Anon VPN platform.

  3. Access to Advanced Features:

    • Holding $ANON tokens grants users access to advanced features and functionalities within the Anon VPN ecosystem, enhancing their overall experience.

  4. Discounted Subscription Rates:

    • Users holding $ANON tokens enjoy discounted subscription rates, providing them with cost savings and incentivizing token ownership.

  5. Exclusive Feature Access:

    • $ANON token holders may gain access to exclusive features or services offered by Anon VPN, further incentivizing token ownership.

Allocation Breakdown:

  • Liquidity Pool:

    • 95% of $ANON tokens are allocated to the liquidity pool, ensuring sufficient liquidity for trading and ecosystem stability.

  • Airdrop:

    • 5% of $ANON tokens are allocated for airdrop distributions, promoting wider token distribution and community engagement.

Token Transaction Tax:

  • Tax Structure:

    • A 4% transaction tax is applied both ways:

      • 2% for marketing and development efforts to promote ecosystem growth and awareness.

      • 1% for the staking pool, incentivizing users to stake their tokens and contribute to network security and stability.

      • 1% for contributor rewards, rewarding active participants and contributors within the Anon VPN ecosystem.

Through its utility and distribution mechanisms, $ANON tokens play a pivotal role in driving adoption, fostering community engagement, and ensuring the sustainable growth of the Anon VPN platform.

Last updated